Fax Line

The Fax Line endpoints are used to purchase new fax lines and manage existing ones.

To sign up and purchase fax lines, contact support to upgrade to the Fax API plan: Submit a Ticket

Fax Endpoints

Get Fax Line/fax_line/Return a Fax Line specified by the number parameter.
List Fax Lines/fax_line/listReturn a list of Fax Lines that you can access.
Create Fax Line/fax_line/createPurchase a new Fax Line based on the the specified country.
Delete Fax Line/fax_lineDelete a Fax Line specified by the number parameter.
Add User to Fax Line/fax_line/add_userGrant a user access to the specified Fax Line
Remove Fax Line Access/fax_line/remove_userRevoke user access to the specified Fax Line
Get Available Area Codes/fax_line/area_codesReturn a list of available area codes in a specific country