Dropbox Sign API Quickstart

This quickstart will walk you through sending your first Dropbox Sign API request. Further down, we will also walk you through sending your first eSignature request using our API.

This is mostly an interactive guide, meaning you will find embedded consoles along the way, which will allow you to send API requests without having to navigate away from the guide.

You will also find code examples, which can be copied as-is and used in your development environment.

The Dropbox Sign API at a Glance

The Dropbox Sign API powers eSignature functionality that can be built into your applications. You can enable electronic signatures for your users with non-embedded or embedded signature flows.

The endpoints are organized around specific classes. You can see the full range of classes and functionality by clicking the dropdown below:

Things to know

Sending an API Request

Let's send your first API request!

Prerequisites - API Request

You'll need the following:

 → Sign up for a free one on the API Pricing page.

 → See how to Generate an API Key or find an existing API Key in the API Settings page.

Calling the API

There are two ways the documentation will help you send API requests:

  • Using the Try it console to send API requests directly from within the documentation.
  • Copying the code examples to send API requests using your development environment.

That functionality is offered across all endpoints.

Using the Try it Console

This approach is great for exploration, discovery, and testing different combinations of parameters without the need to set up your own coding environment.

Step 1. Grab your API Key from the API Settings page.

Step 2. Paste it into the Try it console below and click Send:

First API Request: This banner will update when you send an API request using the Try it console above.

About Try it Console: You can use the Try it console, whenever present across the developer documentation, for most endpoints. You can also resend requests using the same instance, there's no need to refresh or navigate away from the documentation.

Using Code Examples

This approach is great for building out your integration. Especially if you're using the official SDKs.

Step 1. Grab your API Key from the API Settings page.

Step 2. Copy the code from the cURL tab below for the Get Account endpoint:


require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

$config = Dropbox\Sign\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration();

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: api_key

// or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
// $config->setAccessToken("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN");

$accountApi = new Dropbox\Sign\Api\AccountApi($config);

try {
    $result = $accountApi->accountGet(null, 'jack@example.com');
} catch (Dropbox\Sign\ApiException $e) {
    $error = $e->getResponseObject();
    echo "Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: "
        . print_r($error->getError());

Step 3. Combine your API key with the cURL example and send the command from your terminal.

About Code Examples: Every endpoint in our API Reference documentation contains code example for cURL along with all 6 officially supported SDKs.

Sending Signature Requests

The ability to create signature requests for your users to sign is a central concept of building with the Dropbox Sign API. All features, big and small, are connected by a shared need: allowing users to sign documents.

Users have two ways they can sign and complete signature requests:

  • On dropboxsign.com — Non-embedded Signing flows.
  • On your app (or website) in an iFrame — Embedded Signing flows.

You can fully test both signing flows by working through the sections below.

Prerequisites - Signature Requests

You'll need the following:

 → Sign up for a free one on the API Pricing page.

 → See how to Generate an API Key or find an existing API Key in the API Settings page.

 → For completing embedded signature requests.
 → Create an API App on API Settings or by calling Create API App.

Non-embedded Signing

In non-embedded signing flows, you send the signature request via API and Dropbox Sign handles the rest. In this model, we notify the signer(s) via email, they follow a hyperlink, and we collect their eSignature on a Dropbox Sign-owned web page.

This section contains three main parts:

  1. Sending a Signature Request
  2. Signing the document to complete the Signature Request
  3. Checking the status of the Signature Request

Step 1: Send Signature Request

Follow the steps below using the Try it console.

  1. Paste your API Key into the Security tab.
  2. Open the Body tab and inspect the request payload.
  3. Replace the first signer's email_address and name values with your own test data — make sure you have access to the email address entered.
  4. Add a metadata property to the payload with a custom key-value pair. Like this: "demo": "Hi from the demo"
  5. Add, edit or remove parameters in the payload as you wish — ensuring required parameters are included though.
  6. Press Send to send your signature request!

Send Signature Request: You'll need to send a signature request using the Try it console above before moving on to the next section.

Want to try testing in your own environment? No problem, you can find code examples below to send cURL requests from your terminal or using one of our official SDKs:

  1. Grab your API Key from the API Settings page.
  2. Copy the code from the tab of your language of choice below for the Send Signature Request endpoint.
  3. Use your API key and add or edit parameters to the copied code example and send the request.
  • "title": "NDA with Acme Co.",
  • "subject": "The NDA we talked about",
  • "message": "Please sign this NDA and then we can discuss more. Let me know if you\nhave any questions.",
  • "signers": [
  • "cc_email_addresses": [
  • "metadata": {
  • "signing_options": {
  • "field_options": {
  • "test_mode": true

Step 2: Complete the Signature Request

  1. Check your email
  2. Click on the "REVIEW AND SIGN" button
  3. Sign and complete the signature request

Step 3: Check Signature Request Status

Let's check the status of the signature request by sending an API request to the Get Signature Request endpoint.

  1. Paste your API Key into the Security tab once again.
  2. Open the Parameters tab and paste the signature_request_id obtained in the previous step.
  3. Press Send to send your request!

Get Signature Request: You'll need to send a GET signature request using the Try it console above before moving on.

To continue testing in your own environment find the code example for the language of your choice below:

  1. Grab your API Key from the API Settings page.
  2. Copy the corresponding code example for the Get Signature Request endpoint.
  3. Use your API key and add or edit parameters to the copied code example and send the request.

require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

$config = Dropbox\Sign\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration();

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: api_key

// or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
// $config->setAccessToken("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN");

$signatureRequestApi = new Dropbox\Sign\Api\SignatureRequestApi($config);

$signatureRequestId = "fa5c8a0b0f492d768749333ad6fcc214c111e967";

try {
    $result = $signatureRequestApi->signatureRequestGet($signatureRequestId);
} catch (Dropbox\Sign\ApiException $e) {
    $error = $e->getResponseObject();
    echo "Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: "
        . print_r($error->getError());

Embedded Signing

In embedded signing flows, Dropbox Sign is providing the eSign technology via API, but you're embedding the signing experience into your app or website. Your user signs and completes documents without ever leaving the surface you own.

In this model, all email notifications from Dropbox Sign are muted. You (the developer) are responsible for managing your user's notifications directly by consuming webhooks from Dropbox Sign Events.

This section contains three main parts:

  1. Creating an Embedded Signature Request
  2. Generating an Embedded Sign URL using a signer's unique signature_id
  3. Loading the document in our Embedded Testing Tool, or your own app, using a sign_url
  4. Signing the document to complete the Embedded Signature Request

Step 1: Create Embedded Signature Request

Follow the steps below using the Try it console.

  1. Paste your API Key into the Security tab.
  2. Open the Body tab and inspect the request payload.
  3. Replace the client_id value with your own API App's Client ID.
  4. Replace the first signer's email_address and name values with your own test data.
  5. Add a metadata property to the payload with a custom key-value pair. Like this: "demo": "Hi from the demo"
  6. Add, edit or remove parameters in the payload as you wish — ensuring required parameters are included though.
  7. Press Send to send your signature request!

Create Embedded Signature Request: You'll need to create an embedded signature request using the Try it console above before moving on to the next section.

Want to try testing in your own environment? No problem, you can find code examples below to send cURL requests from your terminal or using one of our official SDKs:

  1. Grab your API Key from the API Settings page.
  2. Copy the code from the tab of your language of choice below for the Create Embedded Signature Request endpoint.
  3. Use your API key and add or edit parameters to the copied code example and send the request.
  • "client_id": "b6b8e7deaf8f0b95c029dca049356d4a2cf9710a",
  • "title": "NDA with Acme Co.",
  • "subject": "The NDA we talked about",
  • "message": "Please sign this NDA and then we can discuss more. Let me know if you\nhave any questions.",
  • "signers": [
  • "cc_email_addresses": [
  • "signing_options": {
  • "test_mode": true

Step 2: Generate a Sign URL

Let's generate a Sign URL by sending an API request to the Get Embedded Sign URL endpoint.

  1. Paste your API Key into the Security tab once again.
  2. Open the Parameters tab and paste the signature_id obtained in the previous step.
  3. Press Send to send your request!

Sign URL: You'll need to generate a Sign URL using the Try it console above before moving on to the next section.

To continue testing in your own environment find the code example for the language of your choice below:

  1. Grab your API Key from the API Settings page.
  2. Copy the corresponding code example for the Get Embedded Sign URL endpoint.
  3. Use your API key and add or edit parameters to the copied code example and send the request.

require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

$config = Dropbox\Sign\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration();

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: api_key

// or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
// $config->setAccessToken("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN");

$embeddedApi = new Dropbox\Sign\Api\EmbeddedApi($config);

$signatureId = "50e3542f738adfa7ddd4cbd4c00d2a8ab6e4194b";

try {
    $result = $embeddedApi->embeddedSignUrl($signatureId);
} catch (Dropbox\Sign\ApiException $e) {
    $error = $e->getResponseObject();
    echo "Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: "
        . print_r($error->getError());

Step 3: Load the Document in Our Embedded Testing Tool

Follow the steps below to load the document in our Embedded Testing Tool using the sign_url from the previous step.
  1. Navigate to the Embedded Testing Tool.
  2. Paste your API App's Client ID in the Client ID field.
  3. Paste the sign_url in the Embedded URL field.
  4. Click Launch Embedded button.
Note: You may choose to complete these steps using your own plaform, just grab the sign_url to load the document.

Step 4: Complete the Signature Request

With the document loaded in our Embedded Testing Tool, or your web app, go ahead and complete the signature request.

Client Side Library

We provide a client-side library that handles the authorization and display of the embedded request using an iFrame. You can take advantage of this library to make implementation easier.

To install, you can use a modern module bundler like npm and simply npm install hellosign-embedded. Alternativey, the client-side library can be downloaded manually, compiled from source, or imported from our CDN.

For more details on how to use it, take a look at the Client Side section in one of our embedded workflows walkthroughs.

Next Steps

Fantastic job! By now, you should have a pretty good idea of how to interact with the Dropbox Sign API and implement it in a way that will fit your business needs.

We hope you've enjoyed the content and happy coding!

Resources and Tips

Most of the resources we would recommend you familiarize yourself with are:

Getting Help

If you need help or get stuck, please reach out to API support: Submit a Ticket

We warmly welcome your feedback, feature requests, and bug reports!