eID Overview

What is eID?

The eIDAS Regulation established a framework to ensure that electronic interactions between businesses are safer, faster and more efficient, no matter the European country they take place in. eIDAS created one single framework for electronic identification (eID) and trust services. Dropbox Sign enables senders to add eID to a document and ensure signers verify their identity with an eID (electronic identification) method. More information can be found on the Official eID Guide from the European Commission.

How does eID work?

eID enables a signer to verify their identity by using an eID (electronic identification). Supported methods will vary depending on the country the signer selects in the verification process. After selecting a country and method, a signer will verify their identity and complete the required steps to add a signer certificate to the document.

How can I add eID to my flows?

eID can be added to signature requests as a property in the API request or an option on the Dropbox Sign website. The signature request is carried out as usual, but requires additional steps for identity verification after a signer adds their signature. eID authentication requires a per-request subscription. If needed, contact API support to change your subscription.

Is eID different from QES?

The eIDAS Regulation defines three types of electronic signatures (SES, AES, QES). QES is Qualified Electronic Signature. Dropbox Sign currently supports QES through a partnership with IDnow, which verifies user identity via video chat and live presentation of identification documents. Dropbox Sign eID also supports QES through EvroTrust (QTSP), which verifies user identity through identity verification and liveness check.