Access tokens are only valid for a given period of time (typically one hour) for security reasons. Whenever acquiring an new access token its TTL is also given (see expires_in
), along with a refresh token that can be used to acquire a new access token after the current one has expired.
successful operation
{- "grant_type": "refresh_token",
- "refresh_token": "hNTI2MTFmM2VmZDQxZTZjOWRmZmFjZmVmMGMyNGFjMzI2MGI5YzgzNmE3"
{- "access_token": "MDZhYzBlMGI1YzQ0ZjI1ZjYzYmUyNmMzZWQ5ZGNmOGYyNmQxMmMyMmQ2NmNiY2M3NW=",
- "expires_in": 86400,
- "refresh_token": "hNTI2MTFmM2VmZDQxZTZjOWRmZmFjZmVmMGMyNGFjMzI2MGI5YzgzNmE3",
- "token_type": "Bearer"